
21 March 2016

Drinking Coconuts & Kissing Stingrays: A Day in Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman is a Caribbean paradise known for fabulous beaches, incredible underwater reefs, and of course, snorkeling with stingrays!  If you're like me and can't think of a better way to spend your day than surrounded by a bunch of tropical fish in crystal-clear aqua-blue water, I think you've found your next travel destination.

Snorkeling with stingrays? in the wild? I know. I thought this sounded crazy too. But Grand Cayman is famous for Stingray City: a beautiful shallow sand bar a few miles out from the Northwest corner of the island that fills with stingrays every day, drawing in tour boats of snorkelers eager to interact with the friendly rays.  

It's said that the rays began gathering here decades ago when fishermen, returning from a fishing excursion, would navigate behind the reef into the sound - a calm, shallow area off the island, where they'd clean their fish and throw the guts and leftovers overboard, giving the local stingrays a feast!!! Over time, like the pavlov rays they were, the stingrays associated the sound of a boat engine with the act of getting food. And, so, stingray city was born. Today, the tour boats do the feeding of the rays and the snorkelers get the opportunity to swim with (and touch!) the rays.
Join a tour for the day (only around $45/person) and they'll give you all the snorkel gear and safety information you need to feel comfortable swimming with the rays. It's an unbeatable experience, and one you'll never forget. 

They say that if you kiss a stingray you'll have good luck for years to come. It's a silly superstition of course, but I like it. Here you are face-to-face with a wild stingray in the open ocean, usually something to be feared, something that can hurt you, even kill you, and instead of running away from it, you kiss it. because what better way to have luck go your way than to face a challenge head first, and with a little love. 
So, yes, I KISSED a sting ray in Grand Cayman.

On our same snorkel trip, we had the opportunity to go to a nearby coral reef and swim for an hour or so. The reef was unbelievable. the colors, the lively coral, were unlike anything I've seen before. I also got to play with my new gopro under water which was such a blast. 

When you're done snorkeling with your new friends, check out arguably one of the most popular and famous beaches in the Caribbean- Seven Mile Beach. 
Seven miles of white sand and aqua water? Yes please. 
JetsetChristina wearing Kiini Bikini

Thinking about moving down here and selling coconuts from my tiki hut.. thoughts?
